Heart of Darkness is a novella written by Joseph Conrad. The story follows the progression of a journey undertaken by the protagonist, Marlow. Marlow is sent to the Belgian Congo by an ivory trading company to retrieve the companys most profitable agent, the enigmatic and highly-regarded Kurtz. The novel begins with Marlows journey to the Congo. Along his path, Marlow notices and observes the negative effects colonization has had on the country, such as the mistreatment of African natives by Belgian traders. His experiences and conversations with other Europeans challenge his preconceived notions of colonization and empire. Upon arriving to his destination, Marlow discovers that Kurtzs mansion has been left in disarray and is guarded by a group of natives. Marlow eventually finds Kurtz in a remote village, and is surprised by the immense level of influence and respect he commands over the locals. Kurtzs influence, however, is not based on the same guidelines of morality that Marlow holds. Marlow begins to have doubts as to whether civilization, or even himself, was really an improvement over the savages of the African jungle. Towards the end of the book, after an illness, Kurtz suffers an emotional breakdown. His last words, the horror! The horror! refer to the ruthless deeds he had committed in pursuit of power and domination. As Kurtz expires, Marlow remarks on how even the mighty and powerful can succumb to the darkness that exists within their own hearts. Heart of Darkness is a story of self-discovery, a journey upriver, a penetration of the human heart, and a search for moral and spiritual enlightenment. Through this work, Conrad offers a critique of colonialism and an exploration of the human contradictions between civilization and savagery.