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Time and Memory / Tiempo y Memoria Candidato : Savino Matteo Classe : 5 Sezione : L Indirizzo: LICEO LINGUISTICO ESABAC Genova, 31/05/2021 Indice: Capitolo 1: - Time and Memory 1.1 introduction 1.2 Freud's and Bergson's influence 1.3 James Joyce 1.4 Ulysses 1.5 Virginia Woolf and personal opinion Capitolo 2: - Tiempo y Memoria 2.1 Introducción 2.2 Juan Ramón Giménez : Plater o y yo 2.3 Modernismo y Rubén Darío 2.4 Generación 98, Antonio Machado 2.5 El tiempo en ar te: el c ubismo de Picasso y reflexiones personales 1 - Bergson’s and Freud's influence on english litterature 1.1 The theme that I'm talking about is Time and Memory ; the two concepts have always seem ed to be shrouded in a veil of mistery and they ten d to escape from man and his intellect . Being attracted to everything that is almost or completely inaccessible to the human mind, I wanted to deepen these two issues that often refer to each other. On the other hand, anyone has imagined at least once to go back in time to relive particular emotions or to avoid making other mistakes. During the twentieth ce

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