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GEORGE ORWELL: DYSTOPIAN NOVEL -1984 – ANIMAL FARM THE DYSTOPIAN NOVEL In the 1930s some novelists write a new kind of novel: the Anti-Utopian or Dystopian Novel . Among them we can mention Aldous Huxley with his Brave New World , George Orwell with his 1984 and the Russian Zamyantin with his novel We . Dystopian Novels are usually set in the future; they warn man to change his attitude to society. A Dystopia is the opposite of a Utopia : while a Utopia is a dream of a better future, a dream of a land of peace and brotherhood, in contrast to the corruption and tyranny of the contemporary political situation, a Dystopia is the dream of a future society which turns into the nightmare of a worse world than the present one. Utopia is a term coined by Thomas More ; it may have a double meaning according to the Greek derivation: ou-topos , a Nowhere Land , or eu-topos , a better world .The early Utopia expressed the mood of self-confidence and hope of post- medieval men; the society it expressed was not at the end of its cycle as in the Dystopia, but at its beginning and corresponds to the deepest longing of man. The Utopian tradition in the field of fiction is quite old and traces back

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