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MARKETING market fisical place where some people buy and sell→ possible buyer particular category of consumers → → It’s a process with implies different actions with different decisions. Businesses need to market their product because there is so much competition from other producers. It involves the potential customers and they want to buy, in fact: •researching the market to find out what customers want to buy; •predicting future need of consumer; •giving the price right so that the product is convenient to customers, but companies can make a profit; •giving information, telling the product through advertising; •decided the place. MARKET RESEARCH Market researchers is used to condact and research information about the potential customer, for ex.: ✔the geographical location, because customers ask different product, and size of the potential market; ✔market trends; ✔the rules; ✔competitors’ activity, strategy and performance; ✔customers’ profile, the particular characteristics; ✔customers’ needs. Once the market analyse the marketers develop their strategies. MARKET SEGMENTATION All information is used to develop marketing strategies, where → researchers/marketer

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